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We have assembled over 30 top scientists & clinicians


CEO & Co-Founder

Chris Bradley, MS

Chris Bradley is a serial entrepreneur who has co-founded and lead several successful startups including Loki Therapeutics and Mana Health (acquired by Comcast 2018). While at Comcast, Chris was an executive director responsible for leading the product strategy at joint-venture Quil health. With over 15 years of C-suite experience in tech, health IT, and biotech, Chris is passionate about taking ideas and implementing them in the market.

He is the primary inventor of over 15 patents and holds a BS in Neuroscience & Cell Biology from Rutgers University and MS in Computer Science from the New York University


Sam Sharifi, PhD

Sam Sharifi, PhD is a biogerontologist with over a decade of experience in aging research and translation. Prior to Matter Bio, Sam was the scientific project manager at Vincere Biosciences, a longevity company developing mitophagy-enhancing compounds.

During his academic career, Sam co-authored various longevity research publications including DrugAge, a database of anti-aging drugs. He conducted his PhD research at the FSU Jena and the Leibniz Institute on Aging.

Co-founder, Spellcheck Bio

George Church, PhD

George Church, PhD is a professor at Harvard & MIT. He has co-authored over 625 papers, and has 150 patents on his name. He is the writer of the book "Regenesis: How Synthetic Biology Will Reinvent Nature and Ourselves”.

He is a pioneer in the field of genome sequencing and gene editing and received many awards for his work including the 2011 Bower Award and Prize for Achievement in Science from the Franklin Institute and election to the National Academy of Sciences and Engineering. George has co-founded over 50 biotech companies.

Co-founder, MutagenTech

Jan Vijg, PhD

Jan Vijg, PhD is a professor and chairman of the genetics department at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. He has co-authored more than 300 scientific publications and is an inventor of more than 15 patents. He is currently the editor-in-chief of the journal Mutation Research.

Jan is an expert in genome instability and somatic mutations and has received numerous rewards for is his work including the Nathan Shock New Investigator Award of The Gerontological Society of America (1994) and the Irving Wright Award of Distinction of the American Federation for Aging Research (2012)

Co-founder, MutagenTech

Alex Maslov, PhD

Alex Maslov, M.D., PhD is an associate professor in the department of genetics of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York. He has 20 years of research experience and his research focus is on understanding the role of genome instability in the development of human disease, cancer, and aging in particular.

Alex devotes most of his time to developing new approaches to the identification of somatic mutations of various types. Moreover, he developed a novel next-generation sequencing-based approach for genome-wide assessment of somatic mutational load in normal cells and tissue.

Co-founder , Loki Therapeutics

Claudia Gravekamp, PhD

Claudia Gravekamp, Ph.D. is an associate professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology of Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York and a member of the Albert Einstein Cancer Center since 2008.

Claudia has over 30 years of experience in tumor immunology and conducted research in various word class institutes including Erasmus University in Rotterdam, Harvard Medical School, and the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute. She has published 76 scientific articles, is a reviewer for various scientific journals, and served as a reviewer on several NIH/DOD/PCAN study sections.

Key Scientific Advisors

Eric Kmiec, PhD

Director, Gene Editing, Institute Christiana Care

Florian Heidel, MD

Director, University Medicine Greifswald

Michale Wyand, DVM, PhD

CEO Oxelia Biopharmaceuticals

Eileen O’Reilly, MD

Winthrop Rokefeller Endowed Chair In Medical Oncology

Björn Schumacher, PhD

Agevio - Co-Founder

Matthew Yousefzadeh, PhD

Asst. Professor University of Minnesota

John McAuliffe MD, PhD, FACS

Asst. Professor, Dept. of Surgery / Pathology, Montefior Medical Center

Bert Liang, MD

CMO Kytov Pharma

Holger Bierhoff, PhD

P.I FSU Jena

Jennifer Chu, MD

Medical Oncology NYU Langone

Nava Whitford

Founder + CEO Reticula Sequencing

Alex Cagan, PhD

Post-doc, Wellcome Sanger Institute

Alan Forsythe, PhD

VP Corporate Biomedical Information @ Amgen (ret.)

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